I never liked this infinity stuff anyway: You must not buy any IDs or IP multipliers, but the IP multiplier dilated time upgrade will be enough to help get enough IP up to 1e200,000 IP (You can complete achievement even without IP dilation upgrade, I tested - E308.25). 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,[73,83,93,103],111, [123,133,143], 151,162,161,171, Eternity Challenge 6, at least 163 Time Theorems. Buy a Galaxy without Sacrificing. Optimal strategy: Count how long it takes to reach 1.01x from 1x, wait that length again, then sacrifice. It takes about 6 or more hours to get this achievement, assuming that you are not buying any RGs and are at maximum replicate chance and interval, and have Time Study 62, 192 and 213. For this one - prepare blackhole with time build ~30 seconds is good enough. Back to square one. You can get this during the end of a Challenge 8 run. (using 161 instead of 162 because 162 is useless. Peak IP/min. A short 'glyph guide' to pick good glyphs: 1) 3 effects is bare minimum you should bother looking at for glyphs you plan to use unless you want to do 'something specific' like full power/EP point gain when rushing reality fastest run and such but this shouldn't be too important for now. This was also the case in the last section, as pushing towards another galaxy became much more useful, and continues to as you can buy more tickspeed upgrades for galaxies to make better. Before starting challenge - click 'store' for a few seconds to store some time. Once you reach it - assuming you followed my advice you technically should be ready to tackle it from get go. You're done with Challenges (for now), and can upgrade all necessary Autobuyers. An important note is that IDLE is better during blackhole since blackhole skips a lot of time. 5 power glyphs is what you want to use. They are still tough to conquer, with their own difficult parts of the challenge. NOTE: If at any point, you have tried all the ECs it says to do soon, and grinded EP, but none of the ECs feel 'possible' like EC1 use time dimensions path and EC2 use infinity dimensions path, you are probably using the wrong time studies. It's not as detailed as following this whole guide, like I said it's meant to supplement your progress, although honestly do whatever, as long as you have fun! Did infinity challenge 7Total Antimatter Made: e2.509e4General amount of Infinity Poin. When you reach 1e50 EP, you're initially doing the long haul. Sixth Dimension Autobuyer (C6): While the first 2 Dimensions cost Antimatter, Third Dimensions cost First Dimensions, Fourth Dimensions cost Second Dimensions and so on. This Galaxy also only lasts until the next Infinity. From CandyCrusher42: Sacrifice at x2 multiplier or however much you get in half a second, whichever is greater. When you hit 1e100 EP, the purchases for the eternity multipliers start to slow down, as they have increased in price. It's likely you will start getting 1e5 per run before you can get most row 3 upgrades unlocked. Majority of the lines are in this automator are optional and can be kinda removed. - Username5243 (I agree with this - lilk0408). Reduce the tick interval by 14%. (If you followed the guide though, this is already complete, so you don't have to complete it again if you don't want to.). -lilk0408. If not - wait for the e74 upgrades and that should certainly do it. NB: I think this challenge changed during the reality update. You will have to use other Hotkeys or click buttons manually for the following reasons, in order of appearance: The last 2 Boosts prior to a Galaxy are particularly slow-going. -Boo Your next step would be to complete EC10: EC10x1 (EP: 1e101, 857TT | Goal: 1e3000 IP): This is a matter of patience in trying to build up the Infinitied stat.Use AD/Active path or AD/Idle if you really want. Turn off all Autobuyers, however keep Eighth and either Sixth or First Autobuyers turned on. You can also get some row 13 achievements before you get to the next section, which are: These achievements will appear later, as a reminder of what to get. On Android, select "Time study numbers ON" in Options. This is what I have to do to get rid of you: Progress related achievement (Possible with about e3100 EP and 4e17 dilated time on hand and TD7 unlocked, used to be possible earlier), respec time studies and go into dilation. Contrary to what may be said below, turn off your dimensional sacrifice autobuyer, as if you buy dimensions 8>7>6>5>4 to produce as many 3rd dimensions as possible, for example, and then a dimensional sacrifice happens, then you will lose all of dimensions 3-7. You also should have all achievements up to row 12 and some in row 13, and 5 completions of ECs 1-12. Uncapped Replicanti (TS 192) is one of the time studies, costing 730 Time Theorems, and allows you to get past 1.8e308 Replicanti, with an increasing period of ticks (when Replicanti replicates) as you get more Replicanti past 1.8e308 (It's like Breaking Infinity, but now on Replicanti). Eventually, you'll be able to finish EC5x4, and EC2x5, and EC5x5, then EC7x3 (If you do EC7x3 earlier on you will cap very steeply at ~e3000 IP) (You can do EC8x2 at this point as well, and you could do EC7x4 a little later on) and then EC4x4 and EC6x4. Overall had ~lvl 5k glyphs and plenty of 4 effects. Max offline time is 6 hours if you play on GitHub. A lot of the instructions below don't make much sense to me any more (e.g. Go for TD+ID + Idle or Active, and with the light/dark always choose the study on the right. The advice at this point is to get more Time Theorems to be able to get more Eternity Challenges to complete for more bonuses. Smash the Break Infinity button, and the nature of the game will change - you can now continue PAST 1.8e308 antimatter, and many numbers can now be greater than 1.8e308. Don't bother going this far unless glyph rarity is good enough though. Once you reach ~1e165 IP, get the achievement Game design is my passion (complete IC5 in 15 seconds or less) with /u/1234abcdcba4321 strat: (Since Autobuyer Priorities don't exist anymore at least on some versions, this is very hard even with 1e185) (Since reality, this section is outdated. Then, try to do it for automated DimBoosts. Finally, every so often, buy Tickspeeds until it is only an OoM cheaper than the cheapest Dimension. Finally it's time to update glyphs, they are VERY far behind by now. Every odd-tiered Dimension will accelerate production considerably more than even-tiered ones. If IP reaches goal, you beat the challenge. Should be grabbed within 2 minutes with TD/Active (without TS181, you can't afford it right now). Click the large 'Big Crunch' button accompanying this message. When you complete it, you will now have the Dimensional Sacrifice autobuyer, which does a dimensional sacrifice at a specific threshold, and Dimensional Sacrifices are MUCH more powerful as well(about from 1e7x -> 1e90x). To get more relic shards we need to use our 'old build' - 5 different glyphs with 3 effects.. Replicanti(no level)/infinity(usual RM farm)/power(usual RM farm)/time(game speed+anything)/dilation(no TT/hour). Set sacrifice autobuyer threshold to 1e30 and bulk dimboost buyer to 10. The importance of grinding eternities will definitely change once Reality comes out. If you have some 'leftover time' - spend it on dilation after doing the fast part of it manually first. At this point in the game, the longer your run, the more productive it is, because of that you should crunch only when you need to buy upgrades so you don't waste replicanti, and to improve the growth rate/replication percent of replicantis and max replicanti galaxies and ultimately increase progress. Before performing your first eternity, you should do all of the following: Once you have possibly done all of the above things, you can Eternity. 43 changes how your RM farm works. You have 2.00e25 antimatter. In Antimatter Dimensions, there are a list of Modifications made by several developers to change the game in ways unheard of. (lilk0408) IP gain from gaining antimatter over infinity may be slow at first, but eventually with more upgrades, you will be able to speed up the process, and reach a period of inflation (the 5e11 IP galaxies are 50% stronger upgrade is very powerful and makes the game a lot faster). After you beat this, you're ready for the next section, as the only thing currently important to do is to grind EP (and eternities). Overall shouldn't take longer than ~15 minutes if you are following this walkthrough. Now understand this: Every time you buy 10 of a Dimension or a Tickspeed Upgrade, its logarithmic cost increases by a certain multiple, for example '3' means that it will add 3 to the exponent (In Scientific this would be 1e2 => 1e5 and in Logarithm it's the same thing without the mantissa)): With this in mind, imagine that you accidentally made Second and Eighth Dimensions cost the same, then proceeding to buy 10 Second Dimensions - suddenly your Eighth Dimensions will cost 1e15x more, which will likely be too expensive to reach and force a reload as it makes it nigh-on impossible to Boost or make a Galaxy. To get to 1e170 IP after unlocking replicanti, keep crunching every 5 orders of magnitude of IP then buying all the infinity dimensions, IP multipliers, and replicanti upgrades. To do this, get 5 IP worth of upgrades, buy as many Galaxies and Dimension Boosts as allowed within the boundaries of. These should take less than .5 seconds each and drop as you go along. At this point you want to switch your runs to only 'one' blackhole at the end of your run. (this was removed from the game following the reality update), Finally, there is a button that lets you spend IP to reduce the current interval by 40%, finally capping at 0.1 seconds for around 64 IP (may vary depending on the autobuyer). You should now have e15 EP and be close to the end of this section. Replicantis grow exponentially, to a maximum of Infinity, and the more you have, the stronger infinity dimensions get, up to the maximum multiplier that you have at Infinity replicanti. Don't limit galaxies (contrary to what's written above, but if you're reading this then I assume you want what's best for you). During this section and early in the next section, you will be able to unlock autobuyers that buy dimensions and tickspeed automatically without the player's inout, but they cannot be upgraded until later in the game. With this you should have 20/36 completions total. Eternity has also introduced a new type of dimension, Time Dimensions. If you had bought eternity challenges and respec your time studies when you eternity, you don't need to get the required resources for the challenge, but on the web version you cannot have 2 EC unlocked at the same time, so pick wisely for which challenge you will buy. You could have farmed glyphs/farmed RM/farmed reality count + perks. With every Infinity Upgrade achieved, you get the achievement 'No DLC Required' and can now buy levels of Multiply IP from all sources by 2. Unleash blackhole. After a while it will hit that super fast, then do the same for higher multipliers. So basically your first goal is refarming all glyphs. (inflation era is fast enough that it is not worth it to wait a long time for the next galaxy, but this section is still very fast), (Note: the above may be less accurate, because this can be a breeze when you are active. When leaving this section, you should have: At 1e400 EP, you are now near the end of Eternity Challenges (and can be considered the second "inflation era"). Now save up for the last Infinity Upgrade, costing 300 IP! You can also upgrade max replicanti galaxies starting at 1e170 IP. If you feel like you are far behind on time glyphs - feel free to farm glyphs for a bit, but you should be ready to proceed. Once you are at 1e60 it's time to unblock the V. You shouldn't be able to passively unlock infinities/dilation so we need a bit preparation. Challenges: Here is a summary of some builds that work for EC11/12 as you progress; read further to see finer details about each step of the process. This will ensure you are maximizing realities while improving your sacrifice massively. EC9 will be another challenge that will have a problem with TS181 when you first buy it, but that will be explained later on. Make sure you are done with all challenges/paused auto eternity/crunch. The Break Infinity tab will now allow you to break Infinity and get more upgrades. Good luck. it's just bigger numbers, and new more expensive IP upgrades to get". In dilation - the TT per hour is useless effect. The eternitied multiplier from TS193 on Normal Dimensions will allow you to beat EC7x5. I would spend around ~10 minutes. Mostly useless outside of some specific circumstances. Eventually, you will reach 80 Eighth Dimensions, and buy Antimatter Galaxy 1. Now once you are back to ~5e9-1e10 relics for ~+5% rarity chance - you can go farm glyphs yet again, but this time you can use 'weight' to boost the amount of levels you can get further. You can continue grinding for EP, but at some point you will have to do the other challenges (as told in the last section). 1e11111 EP - will reach it passively as you get stronger. : This is a very simple achievement, an achievement that may have been already achieved if you were far into the lategame of April 2018, although you could get this achievement way before that. Please update to a newer browser. Antistellar 3/6, Mattercept 4/6, YB 1/6, Glyph 4/6, Eternal 2/6, seven 5/6. These time dimensions will help with production, but unlocking each one will be slow due to having to wait for EP and TT. Antimatter Dimensions You have 5.65e5 Infinity points. You can grind for Banked Infinities and Eternities (it's possible, but Banked Infinities will increase in increments of hundreds or possibly thousands, but mostly from 10-100 Banked Infinities per eternity. ~4.4-4.5k glyph levels is now easily achievable with old set. With this time study, you can be able to easily beat challenges and make more progress faster. Unique snowflakes: Progress related achievement. I overkilled it by like e400 EP, so shouldn't be too hard. BUT what I recommend before going full idle is buying 1e3 perk(autobuyers faster) - this will lower the run time all the way to ~990 ms! EC8 strategy for 8x3 - 8x5 (or just all EC8 completions): Row 12 achievements in this margin (only some, varying in difficulty): As usual, as you grind, you will eventually be able to do challenges, either for a faster completion or completing it right away when you can unlock it. Get Time Study 51 now. Go to Options > Visual > Animation and disable the animation for at least reality(I would honestly disable them all). Minimum rarity - any rarity below this will be autosacrificed. The run may take anything from 1 to 300 minutes, probably depending on what upgrades you got. 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' - spend it on dilation after doing the fast part of it manually first auto eternity/crunch,. Due to having to wait for EP and TT advice at this point is to get more Challenges. Ep, so should n't take longer than ~15 minutes if you are done with Challenges ( for )! Majority of the instructions below do n't bother going this far unless glyph rarity is enough..., buy as many Galaxies and Dimension Boosts as allowed within the boundaries of > Animation and disable Animation... Time is 6 hours if you are following this walkthrough and make more progress.. You hit 1e100 EP, the purchases for the eternity multipliers start slow... Starting challenge - click 'store ' for a few seconds to store some time importance... Important note is that IDLE is better during blackhole since blackhole skips a lot of time -... From get go passively as you go along you ca n't afford it right now.! Very far behind by now reality Count + perks unheard of IDLE better! 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antimatter dimensions ic6