My two beautiful young rabbits just died of suspected RHDV, both within a few hours of appearing unwell. Symptoms were bulging eyes, and x-ray showed enlarged heart. Whats killing so many healthy young pets? one morning he didnt seem himself so we kept him indoors with us, he passed away in my arms several hours later. Nahf will not be liable for any losses and/or damages incurred with the use of the information provided. I found my rabbit dead yesterday morning. The asymptomatic rabbit can infect other rabbits without owners and handlers knowing that they carry e. cuniculi. They eat fine but just don't thrive and soon stop eating altogether and die. Our harlequin rabbit died this morning at 5:55am at the very old age of 11 years old . My little angel died 2 days ago. There are many possible causes of sudden death in rabbits, but some of the more common ones include: gastrointestinal blockage, faders (when the stomach muscles stop being able to push food and liquids through the digestive tract), and floppy rabbit syndrome. Now we are very worried about his brother who is now all alone. I went to a friends house and came back to find him lying on his side dead. I fostered him as a baby from the SPCA, where he chose me from all the other people that came to visit. It was so sudden and unexpected and I miss her so much. (Answered!) If your rabbit passed away suddenly and without any obvious signs of illness or injury, it's unlikely that it was in pain at the time. This is one of the most common reasons for sudden deaths in rabbits. Al I know is that she still needed milk. Rabbits are susceptible to temperature changes, so water is a crucial component to ensure that rabbits will now suffer from heatstroke. Its also the supplement commonly used with kits that do not have a present mother. I have nevered cried so much in my life. -Rabbits are very sensitive to changes in their environment, and sudden changes can be stressful for them. - Rabbits United Forum - Rabbit Rehome, Common Causes of Sudden Death in Healthy Rabbits - PetHelpful, 21 Heartbreaking Signs That Your Rabbit Is Dying + 5 Tips. We have no idea what happened. Hi i need to understand why our bunny died she just gave birth to six little babies and hade like a fit and looked like she passed away we pussed on her chest and she took two more breaths then it whas her last we called the vet they told us we should leave the babies to drink from her til she starts to get cold then take them away. This can also apply to colder temperatures. Children running around screaming can cause stress and anxiety for rabbits. Your pet may still be able to defecate and keep their eyes open. A few moments later he stopped breathing. male rabbits have an equal chance of passing during sterilization surgery. Be fore bed. Not even two minutes later I stuck my head under the bed and she was on her side, already looked like she literally did a flop and died. She was able to run all the time around the house except during the night, but exactly 3 weeks later she died. Gin very ill and lost without his longtime companion. There are a few different things that could potentially be causing your baby rabbit to die in the winter, such as being kept too cold, not getting enough food or water, or having an underlying illness. Everyday I miss my baby since she brought so much joy to all of my family. digging her up so we thought best to sprinkle her ashes in the garden. Surgical treatment is available for rabbits with moderate or severe cases. Can anyone please tell us what might have happened??? Rabbits alsohide to avoid spreading disease within their social group. Rabbits are susceptible to sudden deaths. However, it is possible that your rabbit is simply suffering from old age or a disease, and screams may be a result of these conditions. If you notice that your rabbit is unable to breathe normally, call a vet immediately. So if you have a pet rabbit at your home avoid keeping sharp or solid substances like glass, plastic materials, nails or small metal objects lying anywhere. Many people perceive it as their pet dying in a gruesome or frightened state. I grabbed him and rubbed him and talked to him and he recovered . However, it can become detrimental when they are domesticated. He was active and alert until I found him dead. However, there are some general signs that can point in the direction of a bunnys impending demise. Everything was normal then suddenly she died. After caring for him by warming him up, cleaning him up and keeping a very close eye on him until we could contact the doctors which didnt open until 8am. Your veterinarian can recommend the best way to put your rabbit to sleep. We even had a routine to bring him to a garden to play but since it was rainy we could not . Nobody wants to admit there's negative effects due to major surgery, or even hormone loss. In addition to physical problems, rabbits may also suffer from digestive issues, which can be hard to detect. Pale and lifeless fur They will sniff and forage from their surroundings. Although the disease is usually fatal, the prognosis can improve with aggressive treatment. I picked her up and put her on a blanket and she relaxed. During surgery, an intraocular lens may be placed in the affected eye to help the rabbit see again. First sign of something off was pee on hands and feet. He protected her as if that was his baby. This condition is typically a symptom of a bacterial infection in the eye, but it can also be a sign of an underlying systemic problem. It's hard to lose a pet. Some vets have found low potassium, others low silenium, still others low calcium. Your veterinarian can run various tests to make a proper diagnosis, and he will also be able to recommend treatment options. Our curious & oh-so-sweet bun jumped up into a chair where a newly opened box of ordinary cookies were left for an hour, and ate 1/4 of the box. However, if the mother rabbit does not produce enough milk for the litter, it can cause some of them to die from dehydration. I'm so heartbroken. She was normal, the vet said there was nothing wrong with her at all. I just found my baby dead today she was fine this morning but when I came home from school and went to take her out for playtime I found her dead broke my heart because I just lost my childhood dog a few weeks before and she was helping me heal and now she's gone the pet store where I got her never gave me the right information about how they could die if frightened. Darcy was a sweet doe with a beautiful soul. I'm very sorry for your loss. The bunny always slept outside of his cage. This would have helped to ensure that your rabbit was healthy and would not have contracted any diseases. If there is any evidence of trauma - such as blood or bruises - this could be an indication that your rabbit was the victim of an attack. If you have children or other pets that could scare your rabbit, this may be well the cause of their vocalizations. I had her for about 3 weeks. Our 6 month old baby girl Holland lop "Lucky" died shortly after being spayed. She was fine last night after i gave her dinner, and then morning she was bleeding from her bottom and laying flat on the floor. We rushed her to the vet as soon as we saw her and the vet said she most likely had encephalitozoonosis. Supportive care is all that can be done for FRS. On 28th January 2019 at 9.30pm I found my healthy boisterous 6 year old rabbit struggling to breath and was unable to move. Rabbits will sometimes ingest things they shouldn't, and in many cases, it does them no harm. Bacteria from the food can cling to the gut and cause bloating and lethargy. Nothing was sprayed on the cabbage, it was the home grown stuff she'd eaten for the past 3 years and we eat it too. An indoor rabbit with a companion. Before your rabbit forages in the garden, make sure to remove any sharp objects, especially pieces of broken glass or anything that could be potentially very harmful to your pet. 1 - goo on January 16, 2020: On Monday I came downstairs before going to school and I pick her up and she dosnt move at all she wont eat or drink anything, My mom comes to school 2 hours later picking me up early saying that my bunny died I was so devastated I cried for hours but we think she got out of her cage but we dont know from reading this article it helped me I got a new bunny the same day named coco she is now my baby but we still dont know what happend to my bunny we think migh have to shocked from my brother being to loud. Insufficient milk can be caused by many reasons, such as lack of nutrition and bad health of the mother. It is not uncommon for people to see a dead rabbit and assume that the animal is still alive because its eyes are open. Misty, the rabbit, was just sitting in the corner, not doing anything. What do you think could have been the reason? Sadly, we couldn't take her to the vet to know what happened, but it seems to me she had a heart arrest because it was unexpected. There are various medications and treatments available to help treat this condition in rabbits. Gardening products including pesticides can be fatal to a domestic rabbit. It is hard to tell a rabbit's history. If the rabbit was not able to drink enough water, its organs would start to shut down, including the eyes. I am still upset today. We put him in his cage for 2 days so we could clean the kitchen and he had food and water. Rabbits often do not like children and can be very fearful of them. Once a rabbit is past three, it can be very hard to precisely identify the age. The next morning, we were about to head when my sister went to check in then bunnies. These can be caused by fear-related heart attacks, not being able to live outdoors, swallowing a sharp object, Pre-existing health condition, etc. Even for just 2 rabbits, a case where a rabbit died stretched out with eyes open would be rather different from another one where my rabbit screamed then died . We call him Angel :( . - petsguideusa; 14 What to do about wild rabbits; 15 12 Sad Symptoms that Might Mean a Rabbit is Dying; 16 Wild . Was pushed to take her vets. This can damage the animal's eyelids and cause them to become stuck in the open position. I won her at the fair and till this day wish I new why. I woke up this morning to find my Bam Bam dead in his cage. My rabbit died today with no reason I didnt get to see him before he passed Im sorry for all with the same problem. Even if they are closed when they die, the "stiffening" can pull them open again. He was my therapy. we added Gin and Tonic to our family in Dec 2017, two gorgeous lionhead baby rabbit brothers. We don't have dogs in the country I live. 0 Shopping Cart. Our Holland Lop, Darcy died late last night. Its important to treat this eye condition right away to prevent blindness. ( As he still alive) shaking, not moving, heart racing. A few hours later, I went to check on her and she was in the corner of her cage next to her litter and she seemed really sleepy. Google "Died Suddenly" Look at the dead - Open Your Eyes to COVID Lies Agenda 21. During those weeks, she loved the milk no problem. Myiasis, or deadly fly-strike Injured during improper handling by children Fear-related heart attack Injured by another pet Aborted pregnancy Poisoning Swallowed a sharp object Bunny was older than you thought Gastrointestinal Stasis. He lived with us for 1 1/2 years and I dont think he grew so maybe he was older? (8 Common Reasons), 6 Reasons for Excessive Shedding in Rabbits and Treatment, Rabbit Teeth Grinding: Definition, Symptoms, Reasons,, Go Jackrabbit Go The Place for Rabbit Breeds, Raising Tips, 7 Rabbit Safe Woods that You can Use to Build a Rabbit Hutch, 4 Reasons Your Rabbits Jump Over Each Other, Can Rabbits Eat Popcorn? Today I found the rabbit still and we think it died of shock but when I looked at his chin it was a infection I am very sad for my loss, My daughter bought a Lionhead bunny about 1 1/2 years ago. If your rabbit was healthy and showed no signs of illness, it is unlikely that natural causes are to blame. Our other bunny is much older and fine, they were in separate cages ( the one's that died cage was on top of the other one's), my one daughter has been staying with us for a while and sleeps in the basement(it's finished and is also where our bunnies live) with her 2yr old & 1 month old and is known for yelling and screaming and the 2yr old is the typical 2yr old( I asked if her 2yr old could have put something in the cage before they left on Friday(as we all needed a break from each other)and she stated that she had not. Rabbits are prone to hypothermia, even with cold water. First, what were the circumstances leading up to your rabbit's death? If you are concerned that your rabbit may have been the victim of foul play, there are a few things you can do to try and get to the bottom of the matter. Do not even consider a rabbit if you have aggressive dogs, large dogs, young untrained puppies, ferrets, or cats. Heart disease is also a viable cause of premature death as they are not detected most of the time. Chocolate, the other rabbit, was perfectly normal. My bunny was with me all morning, perfectly fine. But the reception woman palmed us by the time we sat back in car she started fitting or i reckon a heart attack. Some other males started chasing one and he had a heart attack and died. Eating and pooping normally. Took him to the vet, they couldnt determine cause but suspected it could be spinal injury causing a nurological defect. Alertness is essential for rabbits in the wild. A veterinarian can help you find the cause of this unusual condition. Even though our time was short, I cherished it. They can't stay at a single place for a very long time. My advice to anyone elses rabbit that goes like that is its shock so do your best to comfort them at HOME. For relief of swelling behind his eyes, the vet prescribed subcutaneous injections of Salix (furosemide, same as Lasix) to help expel the excess fluid through urination. After a few nights, the bunny became used to it and it no longer seemed to bother him. If you do not know the person who is selling the rabbit, ask a vet or veterinary nurse to come along so they can give a proper examination of the animal. If you are planning to get a bunny, train your dog beforehand and keep them away from each other. Noises made by other animals could also cause a heart attack in rabbits, which is a common cause for sudden death. How Cheese Can Be Used As a Treat For Rabbits. This can happen if the rabbit was scared or panicked when it died. If your rabbit has reached the end of its life and is experiencing an inability to move, euthanasia may be a good choice for you. Their bones are very delicate and break easily. Don't feel guilty; rabbits are easily startled/scared and can have heart attacks quickly. She had warmed up to me quite a bit, would always give me kisses when I went to pet her, she was a total sweetheart. It is possible for a rabbit to die of fright. (Learn Why) Should A Rabbit Hutch Be Off The Ground? We just went to the garden 6pm fudge is now passed away, fudge was fine this morning no idea what happened. He wasnt very bright for the first 6 months but I refused to believe his intelligence was lower than a bug. I talk to him still and know that he'll be back home with us soon where he belongs. She was only three months..we gave her a nice proper burial but Im going to be mourning for a long time. Keep an eye on how often your rabbit urinates and defecates, and what the waste looks like afterwards. Most victims of the parasite will die within two to three days. The common cause of a rabbit's sudden death is GI stasis. The dead kits may become toxic inside her, resulting in death. I went to pet her and she didnt seem to react much, so I started to worry. He was healthy and such a happy bunny. They are indoor animals and must be kept indoors. A change in urine or feces can be a warning sign for a dying rabbit. While it is possible that your rabbit simply passed away due to old age or illness, there is also the possibility that something more sinister was at play. It can affect its immune system in the long run. She was given a 1.1/2 dose of anisatic I was told I am really upset don't know what to think anymore I miss her so much, Our bunny died this morning afyer being with us for 3.5 years and it was and is a very saddening experience, The thing is if you dont sterilize the female rabbit she will most likely develope uterus cancer around the age of four. Seizures in rabbits are an uncommon occurrence, caused by With humans, dying with eyes wide open is not a good sign. With feces, watch out for changes in texture, color, or smell. He died right in my arms. When a rabbit dies, it will usually go into cardiac arrest and will die. He was 10 years 6 months old to the day. As rabbits age, they become more susceptible to health problems, and eventually, their organs will start to fail. Does anyone have any possibilities on why this bunny died suddenly? The bunny was an indoor pet that could not handle outdoor temperatures. I cant tell you how old she was due to the fact I dont know. Im so upset, I dont know what happened, I did everything like normal. Not always the the case in all. By then he had another episode. My little baby we were so shocked. While this may be an extreme case, if it is treated early, you can save your pets vision and prevent the eye problem from worsening. His appetite was good for food and water. No bleeding or obvious signs of injury. We were very careful to rabbit proof the garage. You're encouraging early pet death and unwanted babies. I got home from work 3 hours later and she was on her side with her head still in her pellet bowl with her eyes open, food in her mouth and mucous all over her nose [] While cold is the main struggle for baby rabbits, extreme heat should be avoided as well. GI stasis is a common condition in all rabbits, even baby ones, but can be quite serious if not addressed quickly. Baby rabbits can die for several causes. Now she cant. It wasnt first time, he didnt like so much but i didnt mean to harm him. Then i stumbled on the website and im still grieving. Just eating some rabbit food! If a rabbit's eyes are open after death, it is likely due to muscle rigidity and not because the rabbit is still alive. Rabbits can scream when they are in pain or when they are about to die. The bunny likely had diminished lung capacity due to his heart problem. However, sudden heart attacks can happen naturally. The oxygen machine sits about three inches from the wall, almost touching a solid piece of furniture to the right. Loss of appetite to eat and drink are the most common symptom of a viral or parasitic infection of rabbits. My husband and myself are absolutely gutted. I place the young males in a kennel with other young males around the same age, seven weeks old. On a warm evening last summer, I found my beloved pet rabbit dead in his enclosure. Treatment can include antibiotic eye drops or ointments. So, my mum got my sister and they went to the vet. Rabbits become senior citizens at 78 years of age. My 4 year old dutch rabbit died suddenly yesterday morning. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know why a rabbit would suddenly die from a general description. Floppy rabbit syndrome is can be but is rarely fatal. That day there was a big hail storm that was extremely loud. If your rabbit has cataracts, it is vital to treat them as soon as possible. So my rabbit was brand new to us. However, it will most likely look to a human eye as if the rabbit is sleeping with its eyes open. Sweetest little animal in the world. Domestic rabbits typically live between nine and twelve years, although eight years is common as well. The noise of the machine would make it hard for the bunny to hear other things, and we would always speak before entering the room, so the bunny would not be surprised by our approach. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. I rushed to the emergency vet but he died in the car. No one can say for certain whether or not your rabbit died of natural causes. If anybody has the answer, please tell me. I was told not to let my other bunnies play outside at all in the heat and liver torsion can be genetic, trauma or bacterial. The gastrointestinal system can also be affected by other problems, such as oligodipsia or infection. Whatever the case may be, it is not uncommon for a rabbit's eyes to stay open after death. He died in my arms after letting out 2 yelps and was shaking =(. Be careful of liver torsion. You should ALWAYS, ALWAYS neuter *and* spay rabbits, 80% of female rabbits will get cancer by age 4 and be dead soon after. Realizing she is not producing kits can cause depression. I dont know what caused her death but Ive been heartbroken. It will then gently slip away. We placed that machine in the same room as the bunny, running it at night. Many plants and flowers, such as onion, potato, and tulips, are unsuitable for rabbit consumption. We boarded our( 5 year old fixed male) rabbit at a very reputable pet store for 12 days total( to go to a wedding out of town). On this day I woke up to my mom freaking me out. My family thought maybe it was just from the summer heat change, but I keep her indoors where theres air conditioning, so that didnt make sense. I have watched our cameras over and over again and saw her freak out for a second and then she laid in her bed and never got back up. Lord Kenneth Montgomery-Moore on March 10, 2019: Yesterday my 2 rabbits enjoyed their time in the garden. If the tear duct is blocked, the vet can flush the tear ducts with saline solution to remove the pus. (Answered!) Some people don't realise just how attached and how much you can love a small pet (we have even had hamsters and were in bits too). So even if your rabbit wasn't displaying any of the above signs, it's still possible that it was in pain. We called vets but earliest appointment was to late, however Im glad he passed away at home with us and avoided the stressful vet visit. He was a bit over 2 years old but I still love him. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. I bought a baby lionhead rabbit at a pet store and she seem fine! My little angel died 2-3 hours after. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Instead, take your rabbit to the veterinarian as soon as you identify these signs. I kept asking her what happened then my heart and stomach dropped when she told me that my rabbit has died. When a baby rabbit is dying, it may be sleepy or unresponsive. Finally, consider your own suspects. I take comfort in knowing that she is no longer in pain and that she is at peace. 1. Stress or genetic abnormality can cause it. He's been with us for 8 years. The vets should be available 24/7 and made a lot cheaper as animals should also have emergency access to healthcare. The main issue involves the digestive tract slowing to a crawl. Even though our time was short, i dont know what happened digging her up so could. Impossible to know why a rabbit to die of fright year old struggling. I didnt get to see a dead rabbit and assume that the animal is alive. 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rabbit died suddenly with eyes open